Sunday 13 October 2013

Responding to Henning Wagenbreth

Henning Wagenbreth's piece for the Memory Palace exhibition featured a 3D sculpture made composed of wood, canvas, and acrylic paint. It was a seemingly random mix of comical illustrations and words painted on cuboids that made it as eye-catching and fascinating as it was confusing.
For the response, the first step of the process was to select a piece of text, be it movie quote or extract, novel passage, etc, that I was fond of and brainstorm all of the characters, words, imagery and settings that come to mind when this text is read. This aforementioned quote was: 'Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view', as said by Obi-Wan Kenobi in the film Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. 

I had decided for my response to resemble one of the cuboids from Wagenbreth's sculpture: this meant that I combined all four aspects that were brainstormed. The word was 'truths' was selected in conjunction with the imagery of the 'Duel on Mustafar' from another Star Wars film, this time Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. I selected this imagery and setting as the my chosen quote was one of the repercussions of this battle on the volcanic planet. 'Truths' summed up the premise of the duel, as certain secrets were disclosed at that point in the story. The duel itself featured two of the most important characters in the entire saga: Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. All in all then, this response is faithful to the original: miniature worlds and stories squeezed into (or onto) boxes.

The make the response relevant, I had to retain many aspects of Wagenbreth's style. This included the simplified human figure, the very loosely accurate representation of settings, imperfect perspective (i.e. note the intentional inconsistency of the edge lengths), solid and false colouring, and a great deal of free-hand drawing.

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