Wednesday 9 October 2013

5 websites that do it right

The colours suit its purpose and audience of electronic entertainment news - nothing too outlandish, and everything is clean cut and consistent. The whites, greys, and blacks blend into the background while the red leaps out a you, signifying an important element, be it the logo, search bar, or the subheadings.

The red banner at the top of the website is instantly recognizable. The white text against it gives clarity and the black ordinary text mixed with blue text for links means the format is consistent and the site becomes easier to navigate as a result.


The logo's yellow/gold and its incorporation into other elements such as subheadings is the stand-out colour. It's application against the black in the header and white in other parts does not make for a most cohesive combination, but the combination injects character into the site and makes it memorable. The vertically grey-to-white gradient of the background follows the transition from the black header to the white lighter main body, which provides a harmonious feel.


The Xbox corporate green is very prominent which arguably means that the entire header section is the centrepiece of the page design. Assuming this theory is correct, this is why the rest of the page is aligned relative to it, in that the content is found within the header's width all the way down the page, which makes for a very consistent, clean layout. The white text against the green fits well. The footer is a stark contrast to the header in that it is wider and darker, which gives the page a solid 'foundation' and a kind of perspective as a result as well. 


Simplicity at its best. On the main page (upper image), the dark grey bar/header with the bluebird on the left separated from the text on the right means that the logo, despite its size, always stands out. The blue/white colour scheme in the main body gives an incredibly calming feeling, and the greeting in the centre of the page demands attention because it is in a contrasting colour - black. The yellow 'Sign up' button nearby also sticks out like a sore thumb, because it is there to do just that -  persuade people to sign up. The rest of the website (two lower images) is much like the main page, only inverted. The underlining header is a textured blue, whilst the header is a solid grey.

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