Sunday 10 November 2013

Researching graphic design companies: I - a fish in sea

The next step in the quest for my own logo is to research existing graphic design companies and observe if there is any correlation between the logo and the kind of clientele that it attracts. This will allow me to change my direction in terms of the logo as necessary.
a fish in sea (note the phonetic similarity to 'efficiency') is London-based graphic design agency. Their work encompasses web, logo, and general graphic design.

Sample of portfolio
London Zoo signage
These signs make a good, faithful use of natural colours as would be appropriate for a zoo. The logos are not exceptionally clear to read, which is an issue, but they are not as vital as the main text, which is pleasingly clear due to the colour being darker than the background.

Dell marketing campaign microsite
The Dell logo is one that is pleasing to me due to its simplicity and memorability. The layout of the site elevates and isolates the most important aspect - the logo - well. The continued use of the corporate blue is pleasing as it encourages coherence.
Ultimate Bad Boy  (automotive tuner) logo

 I am not particularly fond of this logo as it seems unevenly weighted. The gradients also seem crude. However, I will commend it for being a somewhat original creation.
Book jacket design

A rather forgettable design. Apart from the imagery, nothing of the colour scheme or typography is particularly evocative. The blue text against the grey background means it is not sufficiently clear to read.

Sample of clientele

1 comment:

  1. As with your other agency research, you will need to add more annotation expressing your own judgement on the work.
